This joyous day only comes around once in every year. Its a day that we get to show extra our tribute to all the lovely mothers for their years of being our role models and showing us each day how amazing our lives with them around.
Firstly, i would like to show my biggest tribute to my incredible mother who has shown me so much of love and attention. She has always been there for me in every way. She brought me up with lots of wisdom and self dignity that i am able to held my head up high and walk through the strong currents of life without allowing it to overthrow me.
She taught me how to pick myself up time and time again after every fall and not to accept defeat easily. She taught me how to be a better friend, a better daughter and a better person. She taught me that life is not as easy as it seems. She taught me to be aware of unwanted dangers that lurk in people's heart. She taught me many things which is why i am able to stand on my own two feet. She is the reason why i am able to call myself an independant lady maturing towards womenhood. I am who am today because of her. She has provided me with a great past which has prepared me for the comings of the future.
I was able to accept daddy's death as you have prepared me to be strong enough to face such struggles. Mummy, I am so blessed and grateful to have you as my mother. I know now that you need me and Russell more than ever to help you through your pain and sorrows. Know that we are always here for you. You are one of the most precious people in my life and i can never live without you. I will cherish and treasure you always. I love you so much mummy!!!!!! For ever and for always!!!!
Thank you as well to all the mothers out there for everything you've done. Thank you for going through all the times of hardships, willingly sacrificing for us and for making the world a better place.
Friendster Layouts - Myspace Quotes - Myspace Surveys
Mummy and russell.
Clowning around.
Mummy and My Baby Sayang.
Happy times.
I love this pic! I LOVE YOU MUMMY!
My Amazing Mother!
Some of the Lovely Mothers i know:
My Grandma and My Mum.
Mummy and Jeeva Atte.
Sara Atte.
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